Development association
The association supports the work of the women’s shelter as well as the work of the women’s meeting in Elmshorn, through own funds (membership fees) or through donations, which are raised and earmarked.
As a result, it is also possible to finance projects or costs that can not or should not be paid through the regular financial budget.
In many areas of women’s work we depend on donations, for example:
for individual help
for holiday activities with children
for little Christmas or birthday presents
for a week-long recreational activity for children and mothers during the summer
For …
What can you do?
They support the work of the women’s shelter and the women’s meeting with a donation
If you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose, please include the purpose of use
You can permanently support the Frauenhaus and Frauentreff as a member of the Förderverein (declaration of membership)
The support association “Women help women” is recognized as a non-profit. Of course, you will receive a donation receipt on request. Donations can be made for tax purposes.
Frauenhaus Elmshorn Tel. 04121/25895 (Mo – Fr: 9 am – 5 pm)
With your donation you support the work of the women’s shelter.
Förderverein Frauen helfen Frauen e.V.
IBAN: DE55 2219 1405 0002 9271 00
Volksbank Elmshorn
Verwendungszweck: “Frauenhaus”
§ 1 Name and seat The association carries the name “Förderverein Frauen helfen Frauen e.V.”. He is registered in the register of associations of the district court Elmshorn. The club has its seat and jurisdiction in Elmshorn. The financial year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose of the association
The purpose of the association is to support the work of the association “Women help women in need e.V.” and its projects materially and ideally. The association “Women help women in need e.V.” is sponsored by Frauentreff and Frauenhaus Elmshorn. Its purpose is to counter all forms of mental, physical, sexual and structural violence against girls and women through its activities. In particular, financial support will be provided through members’ contributions, through donations and (public) grants / grants, and through other means (such as sponsoring, donation events). The constitutional purpose of ideal support and support of the association “Women help women in need e.V.” is realized through public relations, in particular gaining support members, conducting information events and education on the needs of a socially engaged association “Women help women in need e.V.”. The granting of case-by-case assistance (for example, taking on a female therapist’s allowance) in the area of the women’s shelter or women’s club under the sponsorship of the association “Women help women in need e.V.” Individual case assistance requires the application, the detailed case presentation and justification by technically qualified employees of the women’s shelter or the women’s meeting. Assigned donations, sponsorship or other donations may only be used within the scope of the specific purpose assigned by the donors.
§ 3 Charitable status
The Association pursues exclusively and directly charitable or benevolent purposes within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the Tax Code in the currently valid version.
The association is selflessly active and does not pursue primarily self-economic purposes.
All funds must be used only for the purposes and tasks specified in this statute. The members, in their capacity as members, receive no contributions from the body.
Funds of the Förderverein may only be used for statutory purposes. The Friends of the Association may not benefit from expenses that are foreign to the purpose of the Corporation or disproportionately high remuneration.
Members do not receive any shares of the association’s assets when leaving or dissolving or canceling the association.
§ 4 membership
Regular members can become natural persons of the female sex.
Supporting members can become natural persons, associations or legal persons who identify with the goals of the association.
Supporting members have only advisory function in the general meeting.
The board can appoint persons who have rendered outstanding services to the association as honorary members. These have the rights of a sponsoring member, but are exempt from paying the membership fee.
The application for membership in the association must be addressed in writing to the board, which decides on the admission. Acceptance of the application for admission is by a majority vote (see § 8 section 4). The recording is effective upon announcement of the decision.
The membership expires by death, resignation or exclusion.
Resignation is by written declaration to the board. It is possible at any time, but does not release from the contribution payment until the end of the quarter.
The exclusion takes place by resolution of the general meeting with a two-thirds majority, if there is an important reason or the member offends against the interests or the statute of the support association.
The members have to pay annual contributions, the amount of which is decided by the general meeting.
By leaving all claims to the club expire.
All owners of club offices are volunteers.
§ 5 Rights and obligations of the members
All full members have full voting rights in the general meeting.
All full members have the right to submit proposals to the Board and the General Assembly. You are entitled to participate in all events of the association.
§ 6 organs of the association
Organs of the association are
1. the general meeting
2. the board
§ 7 General Assembly
1. The general meeting meets at least once a year. It is called by the board.
2. The members are to be invited in writing with the announcement of the agenda and within a period of notice of at least two weeks.
3. The executive committee can convene an extraordinary general meeting at any time. He is obliged to do so if 1/3 of the voting members request it. In this case, the members are invited to announce the agenda and adherence to a period of at least one week.
4. The General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
5. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority of the votes cast. If the majority is determined, abstentions will be disregarded. In case of a tie, the application is considered rejected.
6. The General Assembly has the following tasks:
7. Determination of the agenda
Election of the board
Receipt and consultation of the business and cash report submitted by the Management Board and the audit report of the cash auditors
Relief of the board
Mistrust can be expressed to the board of directors by requesting new elections by the general meeting.
Election of two auditors who may not be on the board.
Changes to the Articles of Association with 2/3 majority of those present
Decisions on requests made by members
Dissolution of the association
Exclusion of members
Determination of the contribution amount
Decisions on the admission of members after rejection by the board
8. A record will be made of each general meeting. If the General Assembly does not appoint a secretary, the minutes will be kept and signed by one of the three equal members of the Executive Board. Resolutions must be recorded in the minutes.
§ 8 Board
1. The board consists of 3 equal board members. Each executive is individually authorized to represent.
2. The association is represented in and out of court by the board.
3. The Executive Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the business. He is responsible for the administration of the association’s assets and the execution of the resolutions of the general meeting.
4. Resolutions shall be passed by majority vote. In the case of urgency, they may also be taken in writing or by telephone if no member of the Management Board objects.
5. Board meetings are open to the members.
6. A protocol should be prepared for each meeting
7. The term of office lasts two years. Re-election is possible. The board remains in office until the new election.
8. If a member of the board resigns, the general meeting will elect a replacement member for the remainder of the term of office of the retiree, if necessary.
§ 9 Dissolution of the association
The dissolution can only be decided by a general meeting convened for this purpose with 2/3 majority of the voting members present. In case of dissolution or annulment of the association or if its previous purpose ceases, the assets fall to the association “Women help women in need e.V.” which it has to use directly and exclusively for charitable statutory purposes.
… especially to all generous private donors who have supported us financially or with donations in kind! .. the Fa. Wood boy for the repair of the playground equipment on our playground! … the Grade Foundation u.a. for her donations for birthday and Christmas gifts, children’s toys and the financing of children’s leisure activities. … the Sparkasse Elmshorn u.a. for a social fund for individual help! … the Catherine Nail Collection u.a. for the annual financing of our summer camp! … the donations parliament for individual fall relief!
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